Tagknow your self

Stepping in T20


painting by Hamail Fatima(@whatthesecretgarden) Huddled in front of the furnace,my eyes fixated on the fire brazenly engulfing the ceramic plate,while my mind delved in reminiscing the events from the year I have spent. Another year,gone,dusted,vanished into the vastness of nothingness…A year,12 months,365 days…..Yet it felt longer,like it had lasted forever;Perhaps because...

Self-Realization (farewell note to 2k18)


Every year’s end treats people differently, there are limitless assortment of hopes need to be fulfilled , unforgettable regrets, goals still need to be accomplished, a strange fear of loosing another year yet a hope of a new sunrise simultaneously. Everyone has memoirs to treasure, a profusion of recollections in terms of good and bad feelings, sad and happy moments, and losses and gains...

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