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Kashmir: The Helen of Troy


In Greek Mythology, Helen of Sparta was said to have been the most beautiful women in the world. she was married to King of Sparta but abducted by Prince of Troy and to reclaim her, ” The Trojan war” was fought. In retrospect, Kashmir is that Himalayan beauty; for which three wars were fought. Kashmir conflict has been framed differently time and again ; a territorial conflict, a...

Expectations: Ladened human soul


One of the few stories , I have remembered from my childhood, is a fable of a hilarious trio of a man , a boy and a donkey. Many of you must have known this story for long. Allow me to rewind it again once more as a preamble to this post .. A man and his son were going with their donkey to a nearby town’s market , while they were walking a countryman passing by said “you fools, what...

بو کاٹا: Forbidden Norm


“GILGIT (Pakistan)” Photo credit: Muzaffar Bukhari ✍”Think ” at least once a day about life… Your life.. our life .. others life like a chapter of a lifelong syllabus that needs to be rehearsed on daily basis. And always “close” the chapter with a rigorous conclusion or else a study without a conclusion is a total waste. This excercise will gonna open...

God never keeps debt……..


Look at this picture once, this is the same white snow with it’s strange stillness, showered colours on it and see how it stirred it’s stillness– everything is changed, the optics, the atmosphere, the aura and the feelings. Life is nothing more and nothing less than this. It depends on the colours, we bathe our lives with. I had moments in my life when I felt that I am the most...

Frosty winters: memoir


Scenic view is the facade of my home in Azad Kashmir ☔I love winters-I really do-and every thing that comes along, allures me enough to recollect some precious memories I hold on to. There was a time when I was being fascinated by snowfall, but not any more — not enough to run like crazy to any hill station(muree or sakardo or my home town), after being stuck for hours just to have a...

Frosty winters: memoir


Scenic view is the facade of my home in Azad Kashmir ☔I love winters-I really do-and every thing that comes along, allures me enough to recollect some precious memories I hold on to. There was a time when I was being fascinated by snowfall, but not any more — not enough to run like crazy to any hill station(muree or sakardo or my home town), after being stuck for hours just to have a...

کبھی کسی کو مکمل جہاں نہیں ملتا


✍Mundane life events though sound monotonous and ordinary in many ways, yet behold the real secrets of life. These secrets need a third eye to see, a skeptical mind to deem and a persistent pen to write. Sometimes it feels me arduous to pen down exactly what my mind navigates through. It can be a mental torpor or my inability to give words to my thoughts. But it’s a fact I run short of...

Self-Realization (farewell note to 2k18)


Every year’s end treats people differently, there are limitless assortment of hopes need to be fulfilled , unforgettable regrets, goals still need to be accomplished, a strange fear of loosing another year yet a hope of a new sunrise simultaneously. Everyone has memoirs to treasure, a profusion of recollections in terms of good and bad feelings, sad and happy moments, and losses and gains...

Play station (A tribute to APS martyrs )


(Evening )Kiddo: Mama ! Can we go to the fun land tonight plzzz?She: No ,you still have unfinished homework and I’ve still many unfinished chores. Can’t you see?Kiddo: Mama pleaseShe: I said, ‘no’Ughh..ughh(A while later) mama ! Will you buy me a play station this month? , you have promised me that. Talha has ps4 now?She: ‘Beto may be next month’Kiddo: What? (Ap hamesha aisa hi kehti...

Love for Muhammad (SAW) . . . are u sure?


I feel so blessed that in a young age, I developed an interest and tried to built a connection to Prophet SAW. In 7th grade I participated in first Naat competition and stood second. Then subsequently I stayed at the same path and my last participation was few years back when I was doing my masters and I stood first in girls/boys intercollegiate competition. Well, In this journey I found some...

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