CategorySocietal Dilemmas

Brave women: Fact or Fallacy


Yesterday evening, while I was making dinner my son (one month to 4 years) came in kitchen to ask what I was cooking. I replied him “chicken pulao”, with a smile because I knew he will be happy to hear this. Eagerly he came in kitchen and we had a slight conversation which eventually exhorted me to write this piece. Please read Hussnain : mama take your hands away from fire, it will...

“Tolerance” uncovers the magic wand of “Happiness”


Few years back, once my brother (whom I love the most and whatever I am is accredited to him) told me that he was trying to persuade my cute and deft nephew ( Hussain) that happiness is inside a person not outside . I was like what ?? How can the concept be interpreted by a 7 years old…. At that time I even didn’t understand aesthetically what he is actually trying to convey his son...

When the earth quaked (Reminiscence : 8th Oct 2005)


Have you ever witnessed yourself standing at the verge of collapse ?—— Have you ever glared at your death fiercely and returned back exhausted and tattered?— those feelings of “about to die”? —- those wide open hollow eyes escaping death ?— I did. If you want to know read till end , I’ve something momentous to share. Cinematically, consider yourself...

The Real Self: behind the facade


It was not the first time when one of my students asked a question being unable to comprehend the complexities of human behaviour. I can remember well the state of confusion on his face. Well, of course such questions are not a piece of cake to answer. It needs an elaborative understanding. Whenever I tried to reply, I always entered into a dip pit of my own self and lost. Until I struggled to...

Depression: Breed of silicon age


Being a mental health therapist, it is difficult to keep yourself completely uninfluenced from mental complexities, especially when you empathize well. Besides dealing with people in hospital settings, observing commoners in houses, markets, especially in public dealing sectors, the most visible behaviour ,if seen cautiously is depression. And if you do a bit of net surfing you will find out that...

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