The farewell of 2019 brought a dramatic twist in the life stories of the inhabitants of planet earth. This is quite a scenario that when the human evolutionary process has reached its zenith and humanity witnessed the climax of scientific technology, communication, information technology, artificial intelligence, medical technology, nanotechnology and what not. And when human intervention reached even beyond terrestrial planet, then all of a sudden, a tiny, yet invincible microscopic entity emerged apparently from Wuhan (China) and startled the populace of around 213 countries. Thoroughly revamping all the dimensions of life and mounted up not only as a global health crisis but proliferated as a human, economic and social crisis.
Corona virus aka Covid-19; a novel virus mushroomed recklessly and emerged as a pandemic in the globe as fastest the way as globalization could bestow. Since then, the fast moving globe came at standstill and the world literally wished for once, to de-globalize. Right now we are dealing with the third wave (in case of Pakistan) of this deadly virus and despite all the advancements in medical world; the virus couldn’t be successfully triumphed over. This much has been proven without any doubt that it is a Single Stranded RNA Virus and we already know that such single stranded viruses have the ability of mutations in its genetic material. Since the birth of this Virus, it has been continuously mutating depending on its overall geographical makeup. Recently, the Indian Variant alongwith a new monster of ‘Black Fungus’ in the second deadliest Wave of India has proven to be the “Variant of Concern” in international media with respect to its highest death toll per day.
Surprisingly, gravity of this global crisis has taken a shape of a complex conundrum. Advanced medical technology has still not provided any fundamentals of this virus that can be considered as authentic. Myriad of doubts related to its origin, etiology, presenting complaints and treatment has increased its foxiness manifolds. Well, anything that seems invincible in this contemporary period, itself becomes a question mark. It seems as virus is continuously changing its shape with every different geographical boundary and mocking to the world like “come on, I am the real life invincible satan, dare to kill me”.
Then there emerged many propositions on its origin stating the virus as either a human manipulation or a warning from Almighty. In either case there should be an acceptance that if it’s a human adventure, then it has just literally gone out of human control and knocked our socks off. Likewise if this is a punishment at all, then consider this as a preamble, a trailer to something significant. Some even says that the virus is not as strong and vicious as it seems, but in actual people in general has lost their immunities due to the habits that are no more in sync with the nature. In that case, tight your seat belts as suchlike sicknesses are going to prevail for the remaining time on this planet.
This pretext is just a glimpse for any man of intellect to understand that that this era is undoubtedly a “beginning of an end”. The prologue is already presented; I wonder how it can be overlooked by any person who beholds the vision of his/her existence. Except in one case surely; a denial to lessen the existential anxiety it harbors. This global crisis is a true manifestation of the ‘value Judgment’ of a man, who is so proud of his power and competence.
At this testing time, there is a need to keep in mind few facts. Firstly, despite the astounding acumen of man, there is one thing which he still lacks and that is “to Surrender” and to accept his frailness; his nothingness. Secondly, the more we would stir the mother earth the more we would be stirred, nature has technically warned us to not interfere.
We should admit and surrender to the kingdom of God/ Allah – the creator. If we do not manifest our existence before birth and after death then we know nothing. Just accept this; there is an Ultimate Power to whom we are answerable and be resurrected on the Day of Judgment and that Day is undeniably very near.
We are warned several times in Quran about the ending times such as in;
“Sura Al qiyamah”
Still people want to deny what is yet to come, (5)
asking ˹mockingly˺, “When is this Day of Judgment?” (6)
Also in “sura Almaarij
“They truly see this ˹Day˺ as impossible (6)
but We see it as inevitable. (7)”
It’s the time to go back. The Regression of the earth is very much evident even in our daily life, either by seeking natural food without preservatives, removing plastic from life, more plantation and vegetation, or by signing the pacts like Nuclear Disarmament for making nuclear-weapon free world, ‘Paris Agreement’ to limit global Warming, ‘Kyoto Protocol’ to limit emission of Green House Gases and concepts of no-standing armies, are all just the tiny efforts to reverse the manipulations that man has already done.
Remember this while fighting this pandemic.
ٱلَّذِينَ إِذَ أَصَابَتْهُم مُّصِيبَةٌۭ قَالُوا۟ إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّ إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ,
”Those who, when an affliction visits them, say, ‘Verily we belong to Allah, and verily to Him do we return.” (2:156)
It Seems like Each and every word has come out of a beautiful struggling heart and so going straight into.
Thank you dr Shehwar
Thankyou so much . Your appreciation means a lot to me ..
Precise yet true…cant deny even a single word.”Begining of the end” keep going like that dr shehwar!may ALLAH bless you..ameen
Thank you so much .. amen 🙏