Nothing was ever so complicated to the man than the contemporary world. The invincible virus(Corona), the unstoppable alluvium of human integration (gift of globalization), and the subsequent ‘Niagara of information’ have leeched our minds than anything could have ever done. Right at this time, i am quite perplexed for what to believe and what not to believe. The conspiracy theories on the existence of Covid-19 have startled everyone. A lot of jumbled, fumbled questions have bemused my already spaced-out mind ; is there any fallibility of a mortal hand behind this agony? is it a dilemma that has been synthetically created as a counter to reduce world’s population by any cloistered’ super government ‘? or is this a new stratagem and a pacemaker for modern wars? is this really a WW III; one who will surmount will be the superpower and write the destiny of the rest of the world ? Or if at all, the plan of think tank behind all this chaos in the world is biological, economical, or environmental?
For few it is the punishment from God to the rebellious and vicious man and accepting this as a nature’s way to rewrite the destiny and reset the button of the ‘mother Earth’, so to ;1) realize mankind about repentance for their sins and 2) so that most probably the concept of capitalism and socialism can be redefined for the masses.
Mammoth of the information has flooded social media for last couple of months and our minds have literally freaked out. The world did not reach at any conclusion yet for this leviathan who likes a chameleon is changing its color with respect to the region it touches. The latest information i have right now is that this virus is not the one which was originally found in Wuhan (China) . The polypeptide chain which is found in Pakistan is a mutated one, and it scares me more now ….is it really a virus….a chameleon or something else ?? Gross
Whatever the chemistry and biology of this virus is , one thing is very clear that mankind is learning something out of it. Something novel? or some forgotten cliche’ legacy? Everyday people are confessing about the shocking revelations they are manifesting right now about their own selves and the people around them. For some, it is the best quality time they longed for so long to spend with their loved once. For few, it is the best time to work on their own selves which they had forgotten in the hassles of life. Many were tired for maintaining pace with the fast moving world and wanted a break. Some are taking it as a blessing in disguise for the protection of environment and so on and on.
[for some more interesting relateable content you can also reach at : http://shahwarthinkpad.com/2020/03/18/back-to-origin/ ]
Leaving all the aspects and the controversial theories aside, the interesting paragon which i comprehend is that; we learned to live with alternatives. Right at this moment we have every kind of best possible alternatives we are using to maintain the status quo. Either we learned or we just recalled ….. the forgotten cardinal virtue of Monseigneur..His Excellency…The Man i.e. ‘adaptability’…
Those who always argued that they cant change their life styles , most probably are changing now. Those who claimed to be shopaholic, are managing now; those who think they cant stay at home for long are staying happily ;those who used to think they will die if they had to resist for their past time out door hobbies, they would be by the grace of God, most possibly still alive, and many other innumerable examples we are witnessing on daily basis.
Have not we seen that with all these alternatives life is still going on, in one way or the other.?? All the habits, customs, and hobbies we had made compulsory in our lives, have some really working alternatives …. (ah damn we never thought it that way)
Being a psychologist, for me the most enjoyable interaction with people is the one when i have to alter the thinking pattern of people, the faulty thoughts, the distorted cognition. I have to make people realize that their are some alternatives to the thinking patterns…. the alternative ways to solve their problems, some solutions from out of the box, and a life beyond their comfort zones. I am quite happy that masses are practically dealing with alternatives as coping strategies. These alternatives are going to leave a magnanimous imprint on our minds; possibly we would be more mature towards the ‘mother earth’ and its ‘inhabitants’.
My prophecy; in this struggle ‘humanity’ will win… holistically…
The world in generic is witnessing the antidote to ‘materialism’. Now ‘the man’ has become significant; his touch, his breath, his life suddenly become tectonic. The ‘materialism’ is waving behind the dusty penumbra but there left no majority of souls who are any more envious of it. The world is becoming ‘pro-human’. Now the theories like “existentialism” and “humanism” would be more relateable.
This 2020, marked a shift not only in the optics of the world geography ,environment, international relations, and the balance of power but a complete reset boot processing in the anatomy and the psyche of His Excellency… The Man……
Excellant discourse. Utter enunciation of the prevalent scenario and its psychological dimention
Thankyou so much .. your appreciation means a lot
Amazing ๐ keep it up
Thankyou so much ๐
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thankyou so much
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Cheers, Wonderful information!