اَوَلَمۡ يَرَ الَّذِيۡنَ كَفَرُوۡۤا اَنَّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضَ كَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنٰهُمَاؕ وَجَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَآءِ كُلَّ شَىۡءٍ حَىٍّؕ اَفَلَا يُؤۡمِنُوۡن
“Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe? (30)”. sura Anbiya (AL -Quran )
“Let there be light, and there was light ” Bible, King James Version, Book of Genesis. V : 3…
These words etched in Quran and the Book of Torah describing the phenomenon referred to as ‘ The Big Bang’ that occurred around 13.8 billion years ago.
13.8 billion years… How time has drifted? It almost seems implausible that an age existed, where man had limited prowess. An age where the bulb did not aid man when he needed light,an age where the fan did not ease the simmering gaze of the summer sun, an age where travelling only existed as far as man’s feet could take him, an age where communication across the globe was merely a wishful consideration, heck, the existence of mankind throughout the orb was coined as a myth or folktale. Yet we traversed,with time,with age, we traversed through the darkest of ages to the globalized world of today where dreams are limited only to the will-power and tenacity of a certain individual..We can fly to our destination within hours, we can connect with people anywhere in the world, we can obtain whatever we want from any part of the world, yes, we’ve made it this far. we have truly done it,mankind has pushed its potential, perhaps beyond its limit but despite all of these ever-so-miraculous achievements;
Can we truly coin ourselves as successful? Have we truly achieved our purpose? Has mankind evolved or has it regressed? Are we on the brink of another break-through or on the verge of fatal self-destruction; destruction guided by the the greed for power and revolution?
Sadly enough, I do not feel i’m significant enough to call an ultimatum at this point of time (yes i do have hopes to hit big). However, as the toll of confirmed Covid-19 (Corona Virus), cases rises above 150 k, I feel humanity faces an urgent need to reconsider its moral values and structure. Corona virus or as the somewhat racist side of humanity refers to as the ‘Wuhan Virus’ has taken over the world in a smoldering blaze that has infected humanity and incited such fear that despite all the mechanism and advancement we boast, quarantine and isolation is the answer we’ve succumbed to. Its a grim reminder to humanity that despite our wondrous innovations,our primal instincts are what we eventually crawl back to.
‘Man was, is and always will be Man’.

This is quite obvious now, as we enjoyed limitless benefits of ‘Globalization’; witnessed epitome of human marvels; climax of artificial intelligence; an unprecedented advancement in medicine; Only to be halted by nature’s decree, a phenomenon of sorts, a call(or cry if u will) to ‘de-globalize’,’to regress back’,’to cut down all the connections’. Everything is null. The International Laws,the binding force that man once created are but for naught.
This Tiny virus is mocking humanity, the value man placed on its creation; almost a maniacal laugh along a sinister gaze,the virus deriding on the fact how insignificant such degree of nuclearization really is. All these devastating and destructive bombs yet what we succumb to is a virus?What is the magnitude of the consequence of these power games?To what extent did all this uni-polarity or bipolarity,even so multi polarity mean to the human soul?
The weirdest thing is the ‘fear’,the trepidation,it feels as if i am watching a certain Hollywood film,where in the midst of advancement,a plague with no medication has encircled the world and the cure is “to avoid any sort of human contact”. For the first time in life,this strange sort of fear has entangled me. All ill feeling,alerting my senses while i stand in the middle of my street, surrounded by people, as if like a mere,powerless fly i’ve been entwined in a spider’s web and there’s no getting out.
Hopefully, a cure will appear,man will conquer this demon too, however, perhaps till then it would have already landed a hearty blow to the world economy. Probably, by the way things stand almost optimistically,the least repercussion we are going to corroborate would be the flashback of 1929,”the Great Depression”.The time when the stock market of the US crashed. Countries in Europe and other continents experienced poverty crises beyond their capabilities.The time which indirectly led to Hitler’s rise to power in German,fueled quite substantially by the economic slowdown and throughout the 1930’s,international tensions increased which inadvertently resulted in the horrors of World War 2.
Corona virus has taken 162 countries until now and if we’ve learnt anything from history we must start preparing for the sequel of sorts to the events of 1929.
Alas we might ask ourselves,’Is this the end?’ ‘Is this how mankind falls to the brink of extinction?’My thought?This is not the end, yet, probably a horrific ‘beginning of the end’.The year 2020 started with the never before seen wildfire in Australian forests, followed in hot pursuit by threats of another World War due to rising tensions between Iran and the US and now a ‘never before seen pandemic’.Mind you, these are just a few major happenings within,just,the first 3 months of the year.Going by the sequence and the increase in the potential threat of each event; we might have a leprechauns luck if we are to survive this year unscathed.
Whatever happens now,time will tell;We’re once again subjected to slavery by time. All we can do currently is wait,hope,pray and exercise extreme caution.If global superpowers like Italy and China have been grounded this savagely,Only,God knows what ugly surprises we’re about to face.
Be Vigilant, Be safe and Pray. Remind yourself of the stature of your existence and once again exercise caution, not only regarding your own self but for those around you.
the way how you interrelate it all is amazing.the level of writing is very very good welldone!
thank you so much… it means a lot to me
Very thought provoking article I must say… Loved the way you articulate. Keep it up!
Thankyou so.much …
Thankyou so much ..
This is so beautifully described good job!
Thank you so much
Another beautiful article
Thankyou so much …
Thankyou so much .. means a lot
nice job ms.writer,well articulated points with great flow,suspense and writing
Thankyou so much .. your word means a lot
Bohat hi umda andaaz me bayaan Kiya Gaya well done
Thanks a lot ..
MashaAllah beautiful article
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