Kashmir: The Helen of Troy


In Greek Mythology, Helen of Sparta was said to have been the most beautiful women in the world. she was married to King of Sparta but abducted by Prince of Troy and to reclaim her, ” The Trojan war” was fought.

In retrospect, Kashmir is that Himalayan beauty; for which three wars were fought. Kashmir conflict has been framed differently time and again ; a territorial conflict, a religious/racial conflict, an ethno-cultural conflict, a military conflict, a bilateral conflict, an international conflict, so on and so forth.

Albeit, this was primarily a territorial conflict between India and Pakistan which started right after the partition of subcontinent in 1947 as a dispute over the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. But the conflict is being tempered and infiltrated surreptitiously by the multiple players including state and non-state actors that it lost track to its original identity. Optically, its one part is controlled by Pakistan (AJK and GB) and the other remaining part by India (IHK).

India wanted to formalise this status quo and wished to make the LOC as an international boundary. But Pakistan and Kashmiri activists always rejected this plan. The entire accession of Kashmir to either India or Pakistan could never be considered as the possible options. The other potential solution of “Independent Kashmir” needed a bigger scarifies from both states .i.e, to give up the acquired territories. But it is again one of the other impossibilities. However, multiple formulas were presented as a possible solution to this conflict, one of them was Chennab formula ; this was first suggested in late 1960s, if considered, Kashmir had to be divided along the line of River Chenab. With this solution India had to loose 80 % of the territory including Ladaakh and Kashmir Valley. This, if implemented , would never be approved by the Buddhas of Laddakh and Hindu majority of Jammu. The four-point formula by Gen.Musharaf was one other untouchable breakthrough. Kashmir conflict remained at standstill. The situation has been aggravated in 2016, after the death of Burhan Wani and reached to its apex this year due mainly to the extremist Hinduvta raj in India.

On 5th august, India misused the state power and revoked the “special status” given to Jammu and Kashmir under article 370. This special status allowed Jammu and Kashmir to have a separate constitution, a flag and internal autonomy. As expected, the Buddhas of Ladaakh welcomed the move graciously and were happy on becoming of a’ union’. whereas, the rest of IHK, AJK,and Pakistan is clearly rejecting this malicious tactic.

Among all the other repercussions of this abrogation, the most conspicuous is the probable tactic similar to the Israel we have once seen, when Zionist party led Jews to acquire the maximum land of Palestine and then came forward the’ Jewish state of Israel’. India might have a similar plan in mind. But resistance from Kasmiris and Pakistan is paramount so it can be arduous.

Hence, Helen – The beautiful, is once again ready to witness another war fought for her name . But this time the horse (that was used in Trojan war as a trick) must be powerful enough to move against the wind for a potential solutionmay be a cyber horse with wings i believe….

Obviously,the military war is not a solution now, taking into account the possessions of nuclear arms by both states and also the potential of second strike capabilities. We need a powerful cyber war, powerful enough to make a difference in international political milieu. Pakistan is now rightly playing its( only sustainable) card of ‘global awareness’ on the matter. On 30th August , Pakistan demonstrated “Kashmir Hour” not only in Pakistan but overseas Kashmiris and Pakistanis diaspora did their best and it definitely brought an initial spark internationally. We need more and more campaigns and international propaganda through social media to express the message in a lucid way. we need to attract the attention of the Human Rights Organization, as the world can listen to it but not on the Presumptuous message of “Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan (Kashmir Will become Pakistan)”.

So, the most important thing we need to address right now is the coherent national consensus on Kashmir policy. India already breached the international law and it is no more a bilateral conflict now. Human rights violations are so grave in nature that they can not be overlooked so easily. kashmiri people are banished with a curfew from a whole month. It has now took a shape of territorial cum humanitarian crisis. And our good faith can help Kashmir to attain their rights of self determination.

Freedom for kashmir✌


About the author

Durreshahwar Bukhari

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