کبھی کسی کو مکمل جہاں نہیں ملتا


✍Mundane life events though sound monotonous and ordinary in many ways, yet behold the real secrets of life. These secrets need a third eye to see, a skeptical mind to deem and a persistent pen to write.

Sometimes it feels me arduous to pen down exactly what my mind navigates through. It can be a mental torpor or my inability to give words to my thoughts. But it’s a fact I run short of words mostly. So I start writing and quit later, a number of times. Some thing like this happens to me whenever I listen to my ever favorite music composition, and tries to write down my sentiments. I run short of words…

kabhi kisi ko mukamal jhan nahin milta?

Kahin zamin to kahin asman nahin milta”?

کبھی کسی کو مکمل جہاں نہیں ملتا

کہیں زمین تو کہیں آسماں نہیں ملتا

Enjoy the song link given at the end of the post??


(This song is a beautiful rendition of Nida Fazli’s words by asha and khayam’s music has done great justice to the lyrics)

I used to listen it years back but never came out of the canopied trance that hovered around me. Listening it today still feels the same as if nothing has changed , as if it is a perpetual principle of life . I wanted to jot it down, to elaborate my feelings but to my surprise, let aside the whole gazal , the first verse was enough to squeeze the whole life in a nutshell.

Ah! The precised reality…

This song always gave me a reality check , of the unequal distribution of lemons in life, it tells me how and why every single person is inveighing the life. Why a satisfied pocket does not have a satisfied heart. And how a satisfied heart becomes intangible and unreachable, carefree from any wealth and jewels . On top of that a Satisfied pocket does not even guarantee a peace of mind.

Why every second person is holding a bellyache. ? Tell me if you ever find a soul who is not complaining peevishly on unfulfilled desires and to life itself.

The one who has a 100 penny in coffer wants to have a 1000, the one who has thousands wants to have lacs, the lacs want to convert in millions and then billions but the coffer never suffices. Same is the case with lemons, we want more and more lemonade but temptation persists.

Here is another corresponding senerio; no one will deny that, we usually run for the people who run away from us and who are near us we do not even bother to befriend,( distant drum sounds well). We rarely chase people who love us.

تیرے جہاں میں ایسا نہیں کہ پیار نہ ہو

جہاں امید ہو اسکی وہاں نہیں ملتا

I know what I am writing may sounds cliche to you, as everybody “knows” this but actually,… “doesn’t know”. Yeah..

We, actually forget to understand that we can’t mouthful our cups; we can’t have the entire universe at our own hands; we can never ever satisfy our limitless longings. We are humans-to err- and are so damn good with a bowl at receiving end.

Why we forget that We may have good and bad days, as promised by God.

iy yamsaskum qarHun faqad mas-sal qawma qarHum mithluh* wa tilkal ay-yaamu nudaawiluhaa baynan naas“(3:140;Al-Quran)”

(you have been struck by some misfortune, so they (the disbelievers) too have been struck earlier with the same misfortune; these are the days in which We have allotted turns to people)”

It’s a fortune that keeps on rotating, It’s the day that keeps on changing, It’s the time which keeps on ticking and every turn has to come and we have to face it..endure it.?

بجھا سکا ہے بھلا کون وقت کے شعلے

یہ ایسی آگ ہے جس میں دھواں نہیں ملتا

Believe me this poetry has so much veracity on it’s plate. ?

So here I go with few fact findings ?

We just need to rethink few established facts that;

?No one has the capacity to feel the the entire universe, u can have either the day or the night, either the sun or the moon

?it’s useless to become crazy for the desires because longings don’t have a bay, you will find yourself always equipped

?Go for your goals, your ambitions but not at the cost of ‘present’.

?Stop chasing the people you dream of, give regards to those who cherish you

?you can find love in the souls you may not expect from

?You will find everyone struggling with their egos and fears, so it’s a waste to proudly relate yourself with others

And last but not the least,

?what we have at our disposal is that we can stay happy no matter how much we have , where we stand right now, either we have enough lemons in life or not. We need to stay happy which ultimately help us to taste the bite of contentment.
stay happy   & contented ?
Be a good samaritan…. ???
Enjoy the music

About the author

Durreshahwar Bukhari


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