Self-Realization (farewell note to 2k18)

Self-Realization (farewell note to 2k18) 1

Every year’s end treats people differently, there are limitless assortment of hopes need to be fulfilled , unforgettable regrets, goals still need to be accomplished, a strange fear of loosing another year yet a hope of a new sunrise simultaneously. Everyone has memoirs to treasure, a profusion of recollections in terms of good and bad feelings, sad and happy moments, and losses and gains. All through the year, many have faced the life’s harsh downs and many have enjoyed the positive ups . Many have been collapsed and many are at the verge of collapsing. while many others have achieved their resolutions and goals, still many lives are at standstill. With this mise-en-scene we welcome a new year.

I want to bid a farewell to this year with my usual way of weighing my gains and my loses but not in terms of material possessions but with the understanding of my own , very own ‘self’. How much i am closer to my own true self ?, now is the question coming up in my mind. you can witness my struggle to know ‘the self’ and human behavior generally through my writings, and the struggle will remain continue.

A few months back ,i have written a piece on understanding ‘Real Self’ in Psychological perspective. You may reach this at

This post is another offshoot of the same foregoing phenomenon. ‘To know more about the very core of human psyche, here i came with a similar concept of “Self-Realization”. This concept is used in Psychology, Philosophy and in spirituality. The meaning most frequently attributed to Self realization is the attainment of psychological growth and maturity in terms of ethical and religious experiences but this concept is not only to be considered as the reflection of merely spiritual self. while I have studied a bit of doctrine of “Khodi” by Allama Muhammad Iqbal. we all know the poetic expressions and emphasis of Iqbal (RA) on Khodi. “Israr -e-Khudi” and “Ramz-e-Be Khudi” are millions worth asset.

when the self is strengthened by love it gains dominion over the outward and inward forces of the universe (Iqbal)

I have also studied the concept of a Psychologist Abraham Maslow’s concept of ‘Self-Actualization (realizing ones own highest potential) ; in which he made a hierarchy of needs starting form basic physiological needs to security, love and belonging, then esteem and self actualization in ascending order. Fulfilling one need will let you to step up higher successfully ultimately becoming self -actualized.

And in the most important concept of Self given by Quran i want to elaborate a bit; there are three types of NAFS(self) mentioned in quran

  1. The first is nafs-ul-ammarah.

 إِنَّ النَّفْسَ لَأَمَّارَةٌ بِالسُّوءِ

 Indeed the nafs that overwhelmingly commands a person to do sin.[12:53]. (letting us to do sin)

2. Second type of nafs is known as nafs-ul-lawwamah. 

Allah  Almighty has mentioned this in Quran:

وَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالنَّفْسِ اللَّوَّامَة

Lawwam here means to self incriminate, to self reproach, to have blame, to do mulamat of oneself [75:2

3. The third way this word has been used in the Quran-e-Kareem is nafs-ul-mutmainnah.

يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً

 To the righteous it will be said “oh reassured soul, return to your Lord well pleased, and pleasing to Him”[89:27-28] (a satisfied self)

So, by analyzing multiple concepts, helped me to find out my own account of Self Realization and here it goes…

Some people have a habit of doing self accountability after the end of every day , or every week , or every month and / or sometimes every year and these people are true exceptions because majority of people do not bother to do such type of self-reflection. It is of course a daring thing to do. because once you start reflecting in a mirror you will not be able to kick-back and laze, anxiety and stress welcome you at the first hand, but those who have a habit of writing a dairy knows well what self realization is?

This is not just about what u like or dislike, its more about how far you will stay on the same path, its not about sticking to a profession for an entire life, its more about discovering your latent potentialities, its not about the persona one shows off to the other world, its more about knowing your darker side , your shadow and accepting it as it is. its not just about living a life in a camouflage, befitting in every scenario, and accepting every norm, its more about rummaging the facts, ransacking the realities and deviating from norms. Its not just a matter of becoming a yay-sayer, its more about reflecting a nay-sayer. its not just about knowing the self in a “me” perspective, its more about knowing your self in “you” and “nature’s” perspective,

For a reality check allow me to take you in the world of self realization in which i am wandering but its not necessary you will also troll like me . you can have accomplishments faster 🙂 ; the first step of which is knowing the “self” the true self of which we are not ashamed of.

Here are few suggestions to help you explore your own self this year.

  • make a list of new year’s resolutions, set some goals. then start pursing and see how ambitious you are
  • make another list of two columns; write your genuine strengths and weaknesses in both columns separately (make sure it must be genuine no matter how embarrassing it is , your are not going to show off anyway)
  • explore your strengths one after the other by giving yourself a tough check
  • convert your weaknesses(one after the other) into your strengths, it may take years
  • start giving more , find out your limit how much you can give
  • start tolerating more, figure out how far your stamina can go
  • start accepting others and check how much absorbing you are
  • find out what is the attribute you share with the nature , in what ways nature attracts you
  • try to ignore your ego and see how much you can assimilate
  • try to spread love (unconditionally) and see is this possible for you?

“knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom ” Aristotle

Remember we have not much time left, because mostly it took a whole God Dammed life to know yourself so faster your pace. the enlightenment you will get in this journey will help you to uncover many mysteries of life and nature.

About the author

Durreshahwar Bukhari

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