Beautiful death :(Autumn of life)


Life is beautiful! Can death be beautiful by any facet of wisdom?

Have a look!

Beautiful death :(Autumn of life) 1

(Photo credit: Abul Hassan Rizvi)

Yes You got me right ..

Now is the perfect time to witness this beautiful carnage, an incipient fall of leaves is underway which is infact a systematic and cyclic demise of life itself.

Why i am saying a beautiful death, is what you will find out in subsequent shots below (taken by a restless soul, an adventurer hardcore Muzaffar.H.Bukhari , who literally waits all the year for this season to run for GB. Rest of the year he behaves like an insane wanted to take his sanity back in Autumn)

Seeing death in life requires just a virus of an inherent pessimism but seeing life in death demands proclivity, a third eye with some shots of inherent optimism. It’s just a matter of perception.

The pessimistic you will let you to see the barrenness in autumn – the depressing doom of nothingness – the inevitability of death – the roughish dryness – the naked and desolated tress – and the end of everything lively and pleasurable.

Conversely, try to search the love of nature in you, he will tell you how much it is a bliss to hear the cracking sound of leaves while walking over it. He will tell you how much temptation the autumn brings with it. The red-yellow-orange leaves, display a beautiful spectrum of color which normally could not be seen for the rest of the year. The spectrum shows there is a sort of celebration or an upbeat festival going on. You will find another spring in Autumn when every leaf itself becomes a flower.

Beautiful death :(Autumn of life) 2

(Photo credit: Muzaffar. H.Bukhari)

You will be amazed to see the sensational fire, slowly burning the trees and leaves shimmering brightly for once to say a goodbye, to bite the dust, as if dying happily.

Beautiful death :(Autumn of life) 3

(Photo credit: Muzaffar.H.Bukhari)

Well, beyond the incomparable and astounding beauty, there is something else to talk about; a disguised wisdom and philosophy of life . We all have witnessed the autumn in our lives in terms of failure, a downfall, or a great loss. But rarely we think of positivity while falling down. We do not think of another blooming spring, and another beautiful rise once again.

Beautiful death :(Autumn of life) 4

(Sketch by: Nadia Andleeb)

Autumn, in essence encompasses a wisdom of rejuvenation, a prelude to recreation, a presage to remarkable rise with a full bloom after a worst fall. We usually personify failures in life as the Autumn of life, whereas autumn has a predictable future of spring. Then there must be a predictable rise in our lives after a great fall. Autumn in a real sense personifies hope and continuity.

Beautiful death :(Autumn of life) 5

Feel the joy of autumn before it is gone and try to comprehend the arcane philosophy it holds.

Note: keenly observe this autumn, and you will going to see a new chapter of life.

About the author

Durreshahwar Bukhari


Leave a Reply

  • u wrote it nicely az always?.fall has always been my favorite season.the time when everything bursts with its last beauty,az if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale..

  • fall has always been my favorite season.the time when everything bursts with its last beauty,az if nature had been saving up all year for its grand finale..l love autumn n its colours made me mad❤

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