“Naya Pakistan” in a microcosm


Hardly anyone hosting urban population particularly, has not been affected by the interesting dynamics of Pakistani politics since last five Years. After the elections of 2013, and the subsequent jigsaw puzzle between government and opposition has led masses, national and international media to develop variant worldviews.

One theory always voiced for a ‘third umpire’ or some sort of alien who is responsible behind our stumbling roller coaster government. The finger of third umpire always sounds me like a mystical super power or an invincible hero , we’ve read about in fictions. Of course, this theory leads to the establishment.

Few vocalises that it is actually ‘yahoodi lobbying’ or an international establishment propaganda in moulding political decisions of our country. And ironically some even called the current government a result of some mantra or chilla ( a sort of meditation) by Bushra bibi (now the first lady), or some kind of divine interference.


Whatever propositions we hear, how much criticism disseminates, place for optimism and sanguinity is always there. I can clearly see two positive turn outs after current elections ; formation of a third successive democratic government and secondly the wrap-up of two party system. The third party which is now in government has chosen the slogan of “change” to ; make their place in a deeply entangled two party system and to attract the youth and the sections of society who never came out of their luxurious homes to cast votes.

This slogan literally worked well and voters turn out escalated, and the third party Pakistan Tehrik-e-insaf led by Imran Khan managed to come in power.

I won’t write much about IK but a few factuals that even his opponent won’t deny to admit. He has some incredible and rare combo of leadership qualities. Such as determination, sportsmanship and charisma. I witnessed, he communed with the masses in factuality, with people like me who never bothered to give a due consideration to the successive governments. So atleast if nothing else, he owes a credit of giving awareness about corruption as a crime specifically .

For the first time in my life, I heard a complete speech of a prime minister. It sounded like an unconventional and an impressive speech. The 26 points that he mentioned were all those desires which everyone wants to listen from a leader as his core responsibilities to work on.

It was a long list but some mentionable core tenants included

  1. Steps against corruption specifically whistle blower act for facilitating those who will point out embezzlement.
  2. Dissemination of wide range of austerity measures
  3. Depoliticizing Police, NAB, FIA, ECP, PCB, and reforms in many other inefficacious institutions
  4. Emphasized more on human development sector.

The watchword of “change” and “Naya Pakistan ” unfolded shipload of expectations among masses. Their every move , every decision is under scrutiny and great inspection even by general public.

What he can delivers, how much he can delivers, or if can delivers at all is still under debates. Albeit his initial decisions in choosing electibles for making of cabinets drew much criticism already. It is still a question mark, will he be able to deliver with all those people whom he has criticized in past. And many other evidences which are incompatible with his slogans, we are seeing on daily basis on news

But what troubles me is; is the catch phrase of “change” another endeavor for political ballyhoo, will he be able to fill the rifts and to soothe the hearts of a famished and an insecure nation? The nation has starved for decades for a genuine and sincere leader – a true Messiah in fact.

He developed high hopes and now he has has to prove at least half the percentage of what he has articulated bluntly.

If by any chance he failed to abide by his pledges and did not prove his intentions, then trust me we will be standing again on the same dead hypocritical square and our eyes will start trolling again for some other leader to mend our hearts….

Looking forward to first 100 days of IK….. Hope ✌

About the author

Durreshahwar Bukhari


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