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Revisiting Covid-19


Hunza The farewell of 2019 brought a dramatic twist in the life stories of the inhabitants of planet earth. This is quite a scenario that when the human evolutionary process has reached its zenith and humanity witnessed the climax of scientific technology, communication, information technology, artificial intelligence, medical technology, nanotechnology and what not. And when human intervention...

The Existential Crisis


Final Destination…… when there comes a tragedy or we face some inconceivable adversity that shakes our grounding , then we start questioning our real identity. I would call them preferably as existential questions, such as ; who i am? what is life? what is my real nature or identity? what is the purpose of life? what is death? what will happen after death? We then feel the desire to...

Every Breath Matters


God forbid from the testing times,, when we are being tested unknowingly, and we overlooked those moments in haste and ignorance. While sitting at the facade of icu (intensive care unit), everything seems crystal  clear, all the implausibilities of life ,  and of death…  These two absolutes now seem easy for me to comprehend .. okay..there is either white or or...

Marital Enigma


Relationships in general, not just marital relationships in particular, work best on the principle of mutualism; a form of symbiosis in which both species benefit from the existence of each other. The pretext to such assumptions lies in studying the lives of the blind shrimp and the gobby fish together. The fish alerts the shrimp of danger by the sensation of touch through its tail to alert it...

Parenting Crisis : A Clash of generations


pic courtesy: Muzaffar Bukahri There is almost always a triggering factor behind my writings, so is this time. As i always focused on societal norms; the unnecessary part of our lives that we all live, I regret I forgot to write about the tiny yet so significant population being mislaid in this societal milieu. Recently a happening took me awestruck; so, here is the outcome. please read till the...

The life of alternatives


(photo credit : Nasar Rehman) Nothing was ever so complicated to the man than the contemporary world. The invincible virus(Corona), the unstoppable alluvium of human integration (gift of globalization), and the subsequent ‘Niagara of information’ have leeched our minds than anything could have ever done. Right at this time, i am quite perplexed for what to believe and what not to...

Regressing world


اَوَلَمۡ يَرَ الَّذِيۡنَ كَفَرُوۡۤا اَنَّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضَ كَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنٰهُمَا‌ؕ وَجَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَآءِ كُلَّ شَىۡءٍ حَىٍّ‌ؕ اَفَلَا يُؤۡمِنُوۡن “Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe? (30)”. sura Anbiya (AL -Quran ) “Let...

Wo-men Dilemma

W once again .. one more time … but this time people are barefaced with the concerns which are so ambiguous,so obscure that it has become nothing else then a dilemma. the optics are very much at the crossroad of an oppressed and an oppressor, but the most bizarre and quirky phenomenon about this dilemma is “the oppressed considers the blue devils as...

Stepping in T20


painting by Hamail Fatima(@whatthesecretgarden) Huddled in front of the furnace,my eyes fixated on the fire brazenly engulfing the ceramic plate,while my mind delved in reminiscing the events from the year I have spent. Another year,gone,dusted,vanished into the vastness of nothingness…A year,12 months,365 days…..Yet it felt longer,like it had lasted forever;Perhaps because...

Sneak Peek: 5 A.M, 6th Sep 1965


It is always so absurd and depressing to see general public awkwardly ignorant of the history of Pakistan, and the importance of national days we celebrate each year. You can substantiate this if you want, as i have witnessed multiple times. Hang on ! let me tell you how to corroborate. Where ever you are right now, while reading this post.. freeze.. just ask the any one of the following...

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